Sep 2, 2017, 11:18 PM

Political strategist:

Mossad plots realized by US

Mossad plots realized by US

TEHRAN, Sep. 02 (MNA) – Iranian strategist says that the US will probably dispatch the ISIL fighters to Central Asia countries and along the borders of Russia and China.

Davoud Shayesteh, a political advisor to the issues of the Western Asia made the remark in an interview with Mehr’s contributor, Ramin Hosseinabadian, on Wednesday. The strategist answered questions about the current statistics of the battlefields in Iraq and Syria, the roots of Takfirist groups, and the future of the terrorists.

What made the interview noticeable is the recent course of events in Iraq and Syria where terrorists are conceding to repetitive defeats.

Mr. Shayesteh believes that the idea of creating ISIL was first proposed by a Mossad think tank and the American and Israeli intelligence services who kept Abou Bakr al Baghdadi in their prisons, picked him as a good choice to lead the ISIL. He thinks that after some years of training the ISIL fighters were dispatched to the countries of the region by the US.

According to the pundit, Saudi Arabia also played a role in the formation of Takfiri and Extremist terrorist groups.

About the length of operations to liberate Mosul and Tal Afar, Mr. Shayesteh asserted that the opposition of some Mosul residents with the government of Nouri al-Maliki pushed them to join the ISIL but quite the contrary in Tal Afar, the people of the city did not join the terrorists. He thinks that as the locals were against the terrorists and in support of Iraqi forces, the liberation of Tal Afar was conducted in a much shorter time than Mosul. He thinks than a global unity was formed to free Tal Afar; American and Turkish politicians signaled the green light and the population was much smaller.

Mr. Shayesteh hypothesized that the reason that the Americans did not obstruct the liberation of Tal Afar was the secret agreement brokered between Washington and Baghdad. According to the deal, the Americans will sell airplanes, military equipment, and weaponry to Iraq which makes elongates their 100% presence in Iraq and the region.

According to his speculations, the ISIL forces will completely be eradicated in Iraq in the next 3 or 4 months but the ideology of Takfirism and Wahhabism will continue its life in Iraq. “The Americans are now after moving Iraq from a military situation to a political and security situation which enables them to seek the disintegration of Iraq.”

Touching upon the crisis in Syria, he holds that the ISIL will still hold sway over Deir ez-Zor for at least the next two years. He thinks that the liberation of Deir ez-Zor will further strengthen the resistance front, Hezbollah, and the strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and that is why the Americans would not let the city be freed from the terrorists.

“Of course no,” asserts the analyst in response to the question that whether the failed terrorists of Iraq and Syria are expired for the US. He maintains that the ISIL in Afghanistan is wining ground by the supports of Americans. “Today, the Americans are taking the survivors of the ISIL in Iraq and Syria to the Central Asia and Tajikstan to undermine Russia and China and cut the hands of the Russians from the region.”


News ID 127469


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